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5S Philosophy

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The 5 S is a tool used to implement and maintain a quality environment in the company and improve its organization.

How 5 S can benefit the Company

  • Improving efficiency in the workplace.
  • Improving the appearance of the company.
  • Improving internal organization.


Meaning of 5 S

The 5 S born from 5 Japanese words:

  • Seiri
  • Seiton
  • Seiso
  • Seiketsu
  • Shitsuke



In English "seiri" can be translated as "sort".

  • Why is it important to classify for the company?
  • "Sort" means to separate things to do our job of the things that are not necessary and hinder us.
  • Example: "if the tools are keeping classified employees will know where to find them."



In English "seiton" can be translated as "Straighten".

  • "Straighten" means to study how we can put everything in place and how we can quickly recover when we need it.
  • Example: "in HR records, the folders of the employees are organized alphabetically for fast retrieval."



In English "seiso" can be translated as "shine".

  • Shine" means that all company personnel, from the General Manager to a warehouse worker, strive to keep their workplace clean.
  • Example: "All the office staff keeps their desk clean and tidy."



In English "Seiketsu" can be translated as "standardize".

  • "Standardize" means to practice the 3 firsts S in the day to day business.
  • Example: "All the employees classify, organize and keep clean their tools routinely."



In English "Shitsuke" can be translated as "sustain."

  • Employees must take ownership of the 5 S and be disciplined to make improvements continuously.
  • Example: "employees always wear a high visibility vest when entering the warehouse."


Why run the 5 S ?

  • The 5 S eliminates waste.
  • The 5 S enhance the appearance of the company.
  • Dirt and debris create extra work and represent a cost for the company.