Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

As an important customer of Nippon Express, we are interested in your comments. To ensure your company’s satisfaction with our services, please take a moment to complete the following survey. The information that you convey to us will be used to monitor and improve upon the quality of service that is provided to our customers.

On a scale of "1" to "4", with "1" Representing Complete Dissatisfaction and "4" representing Complete Satisfaction.

1. Overall opinion of Nippon Express:
2. Timeliness of response to inquiries by Salesperson:
3. Timeliness of response to inquiries by Customer Service:
4. Flexibility for Special Requests:
5. Knowledge / Information on Current Import, Export or Customs Brokerage Laws:
6. Problem solving capabilities:
7. Compliance with Instructions:
8. Accurate Documentation (incl. SLI Requests / Shipping documents / etc):
9. Pick-up Timeliness / Reliability:
10. Delivery Timeliness / Reliability:
11. Handling of Cargo:
12. Available Range of Services:
13. Tracking & Tracing Capabilities:
14. EDI / Other Electronic capabilities:
15. Rate / Price Competitiveness:
16. Billing Accuracy / Timeliness:
Please elaborate on any ratings of “1? or “2? for questions #1-15:
17. How Does Nippon Express rate in comparison to our competitors?:
Please Elaborate:
18. Are you aware that we have tracking & tracing capabilities available:
19. Are you aware that we provide domestic trucking services?:
20. Is there any service or information that we do not currently offer?:
21. Please provide us with any additional comments or suggestions:
22. Which Nippon branch are you rating?:
Company Name:
Your Name:
Telephone No.:
Which Nippon Express services do you use?: